Key Influencer – Katherine White – Deputy Minister of Treasury Board & Finance


Katherine (Kate) White was appointed as the Deputy Minister of Treasury Board and Finance in October 2022 after serving as Deputy Minister of Jobs, Economy and Innovation and Deputy Minister of Economic Development, Trade and Tourism.

Katherine enters her new Deputy Minister role with a wealth of experience in economics, fiscal policy and public service and a passion for public sector leadership. She has held a number of related positions with Alberta Treasury Board and Finance, including Assistant Deputy Minister of Economics and Fiscal Policy and Chief Economist, in addition to time with the Government of Yukon as the Deputy Minister of Finance and Secretary to the Management Board.

Her professional experience and knowledge will surely be of great value as the government considers new fiscal framework policies. Katherine is an economist by profession and holds a Master of Arts in Economics from the University of Calgary.


At a Glance - March 8, 2023


Alberta’s New Fiscal Framework