Key Influencer – Jodi Calahoo Stonehouse – NDP Candidare for Edmonton – Rutherford


Jodi Calahoo Stonehouse is the nominated Alberta NDP candidate for the Edmonton-Rutherford riding. A member of the Michel First Nation, Jodi is a well-known community leader, and long-time advocate for children and youth.

Currently, Jodi serves as the Executive Director of the Yellowhead Indigenous Education Foundation. Before this, Jodi served two terms as a council member for the Michel First Nation, worked with Jason Goodstriker, former Assembly of First Nations (AFN) Regional Chief, to negotiate a blueprint for Aboriginal health, and worked with the former Commissioner from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Chief Wilton Littlechild, to bring the second World Indigenous Nations Games to Edmonton. She also recently ran a strong campaign for National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations.

Outside of her Executive Director role, Jodi currently sits on the Edmonton Police Commission and is a steering committee member for Indigenous Climate Action.

Jodi holds an undergraduate degree in Native Studies and continues to pursue a Masters in Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology.


The First Election Under Alberta’s New Rules


At a Glance - February 22, 2023