T’was The Night After Session

'Twas the night after session, when all through the chamber
Not an MLA was stirring, not even Nate Horner;
The staffers went home without so much as a care,
In hopes that their to-do list would mostly be bare;

The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of affordable childcare danced in their heads;
And Kenney in his suit, and Notley in running gear,
Had just settled down for a glass of Christmas cheer,

When out on the steps there arose such a clatter,
Speaker Cooper sprang from his chair to see what was the matter.
Away to the window he flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.

With a quick gander of his parliamentary eye
He knew in a moment that something was awry.
Off in the distance, it was so easy to see,
That old Annex Building would soon no longer be.

Times over the year, Premier shuffled his caucus,
Sometimes as a result of something causing a raucous.
Copping in Health; Shandro now in Labour
Perhaps this new cabinet will next meet in Taber?

Omicron is here, Delta arriving before,
If you need a booster, they are at your local pharmacy store.
Open for Summer, REP in the fall,
But at least we had rodeo for one and for all.

Following the sights of a dreadful crash,
Our most bountiful resource has recovered in a flash;
Despite losing KXL, the province has felt the grace of recovery,
Even if not much was found in the Allen Inquiry.

Of course, t’would be an atrocity,
To not acknowledge new leaders in our city.
Sohi back in Edmonton and Calgary has Gondek,
And that referendum about equality with Quebec.

Left to the past are the legacies of Iveson and Nenshi,
Don leaves after two terms, Naheed after three,
The AUMA even saw a complete change in identities,
For now, they shall be known as Alberta Municipalities;

As they prepare to enter opposition for year number three,
Recruiting for 2023 has begun for the NDP;
But we also may see, emerging from the shadows of 2018
The possible return of the last Wildrose lead, Brian Jean.

With 2021 firmly in the rearview of the Premier,
And 365 days to prepare for, and a short break ever near
Kenney and team seek to end COVID and return to regular times,
And maybe even pursue provincial police to fight rural crimes;

The year is gone, but the challenges of yesterday remain,
Stripes of blue or orange, from partisan fighting we must refrain.
So to all of our readers, whether you vote left or if you vote right,
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a goodnight!


Key Influencer – Tara Jago – Executive Director of Issues Management


Wrapping Up Gifts and Session – 2021 Comes to a Close