Key Influencer: Hillary Cleminson - Chief of Staff for Municipal Affairs

Source: LinkedIn

With Municipal Affairs leading the charge on some ambitious—if controversial—new legislation, few other ministries have received as much attention in the current legislative session. A key player on the team, guiding the ongoing negotiations between the government of Alberta and its municipalities, is Chief of Staff Hillary Cleminson, who took on the role in January of 2024.

Cleminson’s career in government began in 2020, serving as the Constituency Office Manager for the Edmonton-Centre riding. In 2021 she contracted to the Conservative Party of Canada as a project assistant, and entered provincial public service in 2022 as the Ministerial Assistant in Municipal Affairs. She also worked as a Policy Advisor to the Ministry of Environment and Protected Areas, before returning to Municipal Affairs in her capacity as Chief of Staff.

Cleminson received her Bachelor of Business Administration from Keyano College in 2017, and went on to earn a Bachelor of Commerce from Grant MacEwan University in 2019. During her time as a student, she worked in various roles at the Wood Buffalo Regional Library, as well as an administration summer student for Syncrude Canada. She has also engaged in volunteer work at the Wood Buffalo Foodbank and the Northlife Fellowship Baptist Church.


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