At a Glance - February 7, 2023

Jason Kenney Begins Post-Political Life

Having resigned his seat in the Alberta Legislature late last year, former Premier Jason Kenney has found a new professional home. The former leader of the UCP has joined Bennet Jones as a senior adviser on the firm’s public policy group. He is not the first former Premier of Alberta to join the firm – Peter Lougheed also joined the firm when his time in politics came to an end.

In a tweet, Kenney indicated that “for the record, my relationship with Bennett Jones was reviewed by the Ethics Commissioner of Alberta, and found to be compliant with the Conflicts of Interest Act. I will not be engaged in lobbying the Alberta Government or its agencies.”

“In the next few weeks I look forward to taking on other exciting opportunities in the private sector. I will only accept positions following review by the Ethics Commissioner, and in careful compliance with the relevant statutes and guidelines.”

Former CMOH Hired in British Columbia

Following her termination as the Chief Medical Officer of Health by Premier Danielle Smith, Dr. Deena Hinshaw has been appointed to a new position with British Columbia’s public health team. She has accepted a six-month contract to serve as the deputy provincial health officer for our western neighbour.

B.C.’s Health Minister Adrian Dix spoke very highly of Dr. Hinshaw during the press conference announcing her appointment. “But I think this is an outstanding public health doctor, an exceptional leader, someone who was under enormous scrutiny of a kind I don't think she would've expected — or anyone would've expected. She did an exceptional job.”

“She’s not the first doctor to be recruited here from Alberta – certainly won’t be the last, especially given the work we’re doing here together and the respect that we give public health doctors in B.C.”

AHS To Divert Non-Urgent 911 Calls

The provincial government is launching what it is calling the “EMS-811” program in an effort to ensure ambulances are being utilized as efficiently as possible. Through the Health Care Action Plan (HCAP), the program will have emergency communications officers working with nurses at 811 to divert non-emergency calls to 811.

Health Minister Jason Copping said in a statement that “empowering dispatchers to divert non-urgent calls to a dedicated team of experienced nurses within 811 when clinically appropriate is a win for Albertans. Everyone will have access to the appropriate level of care they need when they need it. The new approach makes our EMS system more responsive to the needs of Albertans.”

Sheriff Pilot Program Coming to Edmonton

The Edmonton Public Safety and Community Task Force has released details about their plans to improve the safety of the capital city’s downtown core. Later this month, the Edmonton Police Service and Alberta Sheriffs will collaborate for a 15-week pilot project where twelve sheriffs will be deployed from the Healthy Streets Operations Centre.

Public Safety Minister Mike Ellis said that "in downtown Edmonton, the issues are clear: crime, homelessness, addictions, mental health are problems seen on every corner. As a result, businesses are leaving, and people are leaving."

Province Ordered to Repay Royalty Overcharge

Court of King’s Bench Justice Ola Maik has ordered the Government of Alberta to repay Taylor Processing royalty overcharges dating back to 2016. The court had found that the company (a subsidiary of Alta Gas and Nova Chemicals) was ordered to pay $20,196,482.27 more than was required as the province claimed they had underpaid for the gas refined at one of their plants.

The company had appealed the request to the department who upheld the government’s decision at the time. At the Court of King’s Bench, the Justice has ordered the province to repay the full amount plus interest.


Key Influencer – Rae-Ann Lajeunesse – Deputy Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Services


Mining for Support - The Prospects of a Snap Election