Key Influencer – Rae-Ann Lajeunesse – Deputy Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Services


When Premier Danielle Smith announced a restructuring of cabinet that included new ministries, there existed a need to ensure experienced individuals were able to step into roles of high importance to ensure the department was launched on the right foot. In January 2023, Rae-Ann Lajeunesse was appointed as the deputy minister of the newly minted Ministry of Public Safety and Emergency Services.

As previously alluded to, Lajeunesse steps into her new role with plenty of experience in the public service that will come in handy. She is the former Deputy Minister of Transportation and Economic Corridors under Minister Devin Dreeshen. She has also held a number of Assistant Deputy Minister positions in the provincial government, including Justice and Solicitor General, Human Services, and Children’s Services. Prior to holding these positions, she spent many years in the public service in a number of operational, management, and policy roles, including time as a correctional peace officer at the Edmonton Remand Centre.

Lajeunesse holds a master's degree in distance education as well as a correctional services diploma. As deputy minister, she will be responsible for operationalizing many of the policy decisions coming from Minister Mike Ellis’s office.


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At a Glance - February 7, 2023